Jie Tang (Tang, Jie) 唐 杰

Professor, ACM Fellow/IEEE Fellow
Associate Chair
NSFC Distinguished Young Scholar

Director of Tsinghua-CAE Joint Research Center for Knowledge & Intelligence

Knowledge Engineering Group (KEG),
Department of Computer Science,
Tsinghua University


Office: 1-308, FIT Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084. China PR.

E-Mail:  jietang at tsinghua . edu . cn

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Thanks for the students, who thought my recommendation letter might be helpful and asked me for the letter. However, I am really overloaded and also cannot write sufficiently useful information in the letter for those who work with me only for a short term. Since December 2010, I want to apply the following rules for writing the recommendation letter.

  1. For a recommendation letter to support one's application for the Ph.D (M.S.) program, the student should work with me for at least 9 months.
  2. For a letter to support one's application of an award such as (Google scholarship or IBM scholarship), the student should work with me for at least 3 months.
  3. The time span is a basic requirement, only those who have solid achievements (system, softwares, tools or publications) will be strongly recommended. For each recommendee, 7 universities is the upper bound.
By the way, to make it efficient, please use my official email address: jietang@tsinghua.edu.cn.
And my other information is as follows:

  Position: Professor, Vice Chair
  Institute: Tsinghua University
  Department: Department of Computer Science and Technology
  Address: Rm 1-308, FIT Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084. China
  Phone: +8610-62788788-20
  HP: http://keg.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/jietang/

Last updated date: June 16, 2019, by Jie Tang.